Interacting Online

The Bluegrass Community website wants to see community members get to know each other, including online. Two ways are offered to do this:

But which one should you use?

The web forums are better for long term communication that somebody might want to read later or for where things need grouped on a single topic. If there is discussion about directions to a hiking trail that could be beneficial for somebody else to read days or months later, or if you’re posting an item for sale then the web forums are recommended.

The Discord server works more like a selection of chat rooms and is best for things that don’t benefit from keeping a longer history. A short term discussion about an event that is happening today or a question about help with a homework assignment that would no longer be relevant in the near future is probably better for the Discord server.

However, since each have their own place it’s recommended you try out both! You’re likely to meet some new friends and neighbors in both places.